Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I've been meaning to start a blog for sometime now but as with all things in my life, it has taken a back seat to my soon to be 5 year old. The idea of this blog is just to write about what ever comes to mind at the time I get to sit down and write. Most of these will get cut off because I don't get the time I'd like to get things done, but instead of just not doing it (or deleting what I do get to write) I'm just going to go ahead with what I've got. This is something new I'm learning to do and this whole "project" is for me and me alone but if you enjoy it, you are welcome to tag along.

"But if this is just for you, then what is the point of putting it on line?” you might ask. Well because some thing I have learned over the past year or so is that I'm a mess and when I read about other people who are just as big of a mess as I am, it makes me feel a little more (what's the word?) "normal".

So that's the point of this, to talk about whatever. Oh and my warning to those of you who do read this and feel like commenting on anything, I'm a crappy speller (dyslexic) and I'm even worse at editing my own stuff, so if you're going to get you panties in a bunch over misspellings, then turn away now cause it's only going to get worse. Plus sometime I misspell or have bad grammar on propose but I’m not going to tell you when, so if you get it, you get it. If not, oh well.

 Alright I’m going to post this just to get this thing running and I’ll get back to it when I get some free time (uhahahahahaha) or I make some time is more like it.

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